Huwebes, Agosto 18, 2011


                                                Who is Jesus in my life?

                                ''Jesus is the driver, protector, guide, gasoline and light of my life.''

          He is  the driver of my life, wherein I’m very much willing to go with him without even asking where to go to because I trust him so much. I know that wherever direction or destination we go through there will always be a purpose and lessons to learn .

          Jesus is my protector. He protects me always from danger and let me repel the different evil temptations.

A guide, I describe him in this word because in my 16 years of existence, I experienced to travel different wrong ways and I already encountered many failures in life. But what is the best thing is, Jesus Christ is always there to remind and teach me the right path to travel all along.

         Gasoline of my car (my life) because without his presence in my life I cannot move nor go anywhere else, a life without him is undeniably worthless. Jesus is strength, my power.

          Lastly, he is a light. I describe him in this way because there are times in my life that I really feel hopeless and I’m in a moment of surrendering everything. But there is always a special person who help me stand during my falls and that is, Jesus. He gives me hope and he inspires me to continue life, a life which is the most precious gift that I ever received from him.

          Jesus Christ  made me complete and without his holy presence in my life, I’m really nothing.

                                                    How did I know him?

       I was able to know him because of my mother’s teachings and different scenarios that lead me to his way.
        My mother is an active chapel officer. She always teach me who is God and she often involves me with different chapel activities but because during my childhood stage I’m too playful, I don’t mind and go to those.
What just I know is to play, play and play all throughout.

         During those years I experienced extraordinary happenings that really affects me as an individual. Time came when I started to see different extraordinary creatures such as white lady , kapre, different spirits and many more. My mother reason out that maybe those things are happening to me because I’m lack of faith in him (Jesus). 
          After that turning point everything has been changed. I had an intense feeling to be involved more in different church related activities. That leads me to his path and to know Jesus much better and deeper. After that involvements my life became peaceful again , and it's because of my strong foundations of faith.

                           What are my experiences with him?

         Actually in all of my experiences God is always with me. In my life up’s and down’s he is there and he will always be. During my hardships, he cheers me up. In competitions, he gives me courage and supplies me long lasting determination to strive and give my best in every fights. When problems starts to approach he gives me an optimistic mind . In terms of decision making, he gives me signs on what is the best and right to choose. In school achievements, he is my partner in everything. For me Jesus is my twin, whatever I experience, I experience it with him and that what makes it noteworthy.

Who are the people I led to God /                                                     Who are the people who led me to God?

       The people that I led to God are my friends, playmates and my street neighbors . In our street I’m one of the most influential people. As the years passed by I became an active youth officer in our chapel. 

      May is a summer time, it is also flores de Mayo time, where catechism is being conducted. During those time I do home to home visit with the children in our street to tell them that there will be a catechism and happily majority of them do attend.

       In our chapel we formed a youth group wherein our main goal is to do a bible study to the street children. We do it twice a month and we find sponsors that will provide foods for the children. Our second plan goes like this, our youth group will collaborate with our superiors in our chapel and we’ll coordinate with our parish church to have a street mass in our community even once a month. Unexpectedly the Parish Priest approved it. Now, we do it every month. We continue making people closer to God through our simple acts.

          In terms the person that led me to God, of course my family, mostly my mother, who opens my consciousness about God since then up to now.

         How did I lead them to God / How did they lead me to God?

              I lead them through making actions and projects that I can to influence people to make a change with their lives just like what happened to me. Because once God came to our lives everything will change for a better. What does God wants is for us to open ourselves and accept him sincerely. And as one of God’s creatures my mission does not jut stops by transforming myself but it is in the way of transforming myself and helping others to transform too. How? By thinking simple ways that would create a big impact to them and that impact will lead to a big difference in their lives, perhaps in their living.
             My mother lead me to God in the way of reminding and giving me lessons that is connected with the God teachings. Also by letting me to be involved in different church-related activities that will strengthen my relationship with God.

  Inspirational letter to the following:
                                                              My family

                                 I would like to thank God for giving me such a wonderful family........................                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
          To my ideal and exceptional mother thank you so much for everything. For all the sacrifices that you’ve done for me. One those is when you decided to go to abroad and to take care other parents’ children than take caring your own child. But I understand it in the way that you do it for my better future and for us to survive, all of those are really highly appreciated. In my heart you will always be my number one love.

           To my Grandmother, thank you for the love, support and care that you gave to me. You’ve done so much for me. You made many sacrifices  and for that thank you, thank you so much for everything and I always pray to God to give you more years to live with.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

          To my uncles, aunties and to my cousins thank you so much for supporting and believing in me.

           All of you are my inspirations and all of you are the reasons why I’m giving my best in everything  that I do, once again thank you so much and I love you all.

                                                                                                                                           My friends

          My friends are my wealth and I treasure you all very much. Thank you for sharing and cherishing different precious and noteworthy experiences with me. Thank you for helping me to know my real self  much better. Each one of you played important roles in my life and all of you made me complete, each of you accepts me for who I am  and for all of those thank you very much. 

          Our friendship will have much color as the years went through and even my hair turns to white I will keep each one of you until to my last breath, that’s how I love

                                My countrymen/ women 

           Thank you for being part of my life. All of you let me feel the true essence of life. Each of you contributed to the knowledge that I have right now, for that, thank you. Thank you for being part my inspiration. I’m doing my best in everything that I do, so that someday I could help all of you. Thank you!

                                                                Our mother earth

            Thank you for serving as our shelter and giving everything that we need. But honestly I feel guilty because despite of everything that you do for us, your care and love, we pay it back with nothing and what is a sad thing is we contribute a lot in killing and destroying you, sorry. I promise that as one of your countrymen I will think ways to help you. I, will served as a catalyst for your survival. I will start a step for better and healthy mother earth. Again sorry and thank you.

                                 Our Church

           Thank you for serving as a best tool of God to spread his words to us people. Thank you because in times I feel sad nor problematic you’re always available and you’re there to hear my problems. Your four foundations molded me to a better person now. Thank you for being a effective confession room to me . You’re an effective pain reliever . Thank you!

                         What are my hopes & dreams? 

''I'll  be one of them someday''
            My hopes are my talents and intelligence because I know that they are the two factors that will help me to reach my dreams.

      I’m a person with many dreams. I dream to become one of the famous and richest businessman in the world. I want to become a international theater artist. I want to be a multi-awarded theater director. I dream to become a school’s principal. I dream to become a highly respected lawyer. I want to help my family and I really want to help the poor people. Lastly, my biggest dream is to serve my country, I want to become the Philippines’ President. And I promise to do what one philosopher once said ‘’Once you dream achieve and don’t just dream but act because a dream with action is achievable’’.

 How do I see my life 10 years from now?

          By that time while being a HR general head in San Miguel Corporation, I finished already my masters in Human Resource Management at De La Salle University. I graduated  in my Psychology course at University of  Sto. Tomas. I finished also my Theater Arts course in University of Philippines, Diliman. Still taking up my law course at Ateneo De Manila University. During those times I have many theater awards, teaching part time in DLSU,CSB,UP,and ADMU, different small businesses and I have my wife with a twin( boy &girl) children. That is how I see myself  after 10 years           

                Thanks for reading! and please give your comments about my blog!